hand-drawn black vaettr logo


- Vae

These days I'm preparing to move across town in a month and a half, donating stuff, downsizing and organizing things as I pack them. The search for a used car continues and it SUCKS. I GOT A CAR! CAN I GET A HELL YEAH?!

Been working on this little blog, watching in alternating hope/abject terror as the US election draws nearer, enjoying the beautiful weather with my kids and generally just leaning into the contemplative 'inhale' that comes when one consumes information, content, art, music, anything, rather than creating focussed output. The list of influences, interests, potential new hobbies grow, as what the next phase of life will look like begins to gel in my mind.

Most of my moves have been hectic, frantic, last minute, but not this time, and the calm, methodical work of packing up my life for a new adventure makes me so excited. I love fresh starts.