hand-drawn black vaettr logo

cool cool cool let's do this

- Vae

Been walking in the evenings with my dog, daydreaming about what next steps are for my wee little blog.


I have been playing with dithering images, it's been fun - some interesting results come about from them. I find I waver often between heavily filtered/colour graded pictures and digging strictly straight up one-to-one representation.

Dithering, and thereby reducing file size, and playing with custom colour palettes has been my fixation as of late I guess!

I digress!

Since I've been exploring music again, and buying used CDs to rip for the FLACs, maybe a page with links to the albums I own, and notes about what i like about each - favourite lyrics, maybe commentary on the insights I learn when reading about the making of said albums, could be fun!

I'd love to somehow set up a log for notes about things watched/read/listened to and new bookmarks found on that day. Maybe when I'm doing better I can start running and logging those too...

Digital gardening? Is that what that is? Fueled by some kind of weekly roundup of Things That Had My Attention?

Whatever it is, I'm excited to learn some new stuff and sort through how I want to put it all together to share.